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Pains and Cramps in Lower Abdomen during Pregnancy

This is a very common sign during pregnancy and can even start at early pregnancy. The good news is just that the baby is fine and your belly is providing space for the enlarging fetus. The muscles and ligaments supporting it are stretching out to accommodate the changes. Most often, it happens during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The pain might be mild or sharp. And sometimes it is noticeable when you make a quick move.

There are other reasons for the abdomen cramps to occur. You don’t need to worry unless the pain is severe, constant or accompanied by bleeding or other unusual signs.

· If you overeat or make a wrong food choice, you might feel stomach cramps.

· If you are constipated, you will feel cramps that can be very painful. Try a warm bath, or simply stretch out and kick up your heels -- resting comfortably should ease the pain.

Sometimes cramps may be a danger signal that shouldn't be ignored. There are:

· Miscarriage - Miscarriage is a medical emergency where the delivery of a baby happens before it is developed enough to survive outside the womb. Usually happens during the first trimester and the cramping is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina.

If you feel constant abdominal pain (with or without bleeding), call your doctor right away.

· Ectopic pregnancy - When the fertilized egg survives outside, the uterus and you will get a positive pregnancy test as the egg begins to grow. This will cause sharp abdominal pains and bleeding.

· Preterm labor - If you start to have contractions that begin or dilate your cervix before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it indicates your time for delivery before the due date and hence is the Preterm labor. Abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping, or more than four contractions in one hour indicates the need for labor emergency.

· Urinary tract infections - Being pregnant makes you more susceptible to urinary tract infections of all kinds, including kidney infections. Symptoms of a bladder infection may include pain, discomfort, or burning when urinating; pelvic discomfort or lower abdominal pain. Check with your gynecologist for a medical care.

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